الجمعة، 11 نوفمبر 2011

Are You Good Enough to Be a Lawyer/Attorney?

A lawyer is a 'a person learned in the law; a person who is practicing law', according to the Black's Law dictionary; and while this is good enough for the average man, for those who are seeking it as a profession, this information falls criminally short. There are many other things besides having a degree in 'law', that makes one truly a lawyer. To decide if you are attorney/lawyer material, it is really important to know them.

· Logical thinking pattern.

Creative people just aren't good at practicing law. It won't come as a surprise if you are baffled by the above statement. In a world that is constantly pushing you to think 'outside the box', this may come across as being a bit stupid. However, the reality is, sometimes you just don't need to be 'outside the box'. Sometimes you just need to be inside it.

To be a good lawyer, the good ol' left brain is more than enough. To be concrete, you should have the ability to process large swaths of information, and form and solve the arguments relevant to a legal problem. If you aren't good at such as logical mental processing, then you may need to work on it before you get serious about this field.

· A Good memory.

Every lawyer has to cram in all the documents and laws that are relevant to the region. And with the quantity of the legal bum floating around, it'll pose a serious challenge for your memory. So, if retention is not really among your finer points, then it may be better for you to choose another career.

· Records.

This is an absolute pre-requisite to being a lawyer. You have to have a clean criminal record, medical record, credit record, pretty much everything about you. There usually is an investigation of such records by a court or a bar, and you have to pass it in order to be allowed to practice it. You have to look at this before you start your law studies, because after getting a degree and passing the LSAT, a failure becomes hard to digest.

· Good communication Skills.

This is just stating it again, but that's because it is so important that it needs repeating. You need to have good communication skills and the ability to think on your feet. Out there on in the field, you will face many arguments and counter-arguments, and the one with the sharpest mouth will come out on top. So, if you aren't great at debating, then better get cracking on your speaking skills.

Amanda William Jones is a professional writer and researcher. He has been giving information on various subjects including attorney and lawyer

View the original article here

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